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November 25th, 2010 marked the launch of Pharmakon's first full length CD. Documented on the release are recordings dating back to 2004 done in various studios around Montreal. In addition to playing bass on eight of the tracks, I also edited and mixed nine of them. Although I am no longer a full time member of the group, I work with them on occasion, in various capacities. To find out more about the CD and the project, check out this site: www.pharmakonmtl.com. You can listen to the full album here. Pharmakon collaborated with media artist pk langshaw in the summer of 2008. Out of that work came the video for the song Disappear, which is one of the tracks on the Pharmakon CD. As Ian Ferrier recounts "One Saturday in June the entire band arrived with all of our equipment at the Hexagram space in the basement of the Media Arts building at Concordia University. We were greeted by two dancers, text and colour programmers, sensor programmers, lighting and photography people, video camera people, and pk langshaw, whose idea it was to bring them altogether."