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Pain and Pleasure

I started a music degree at Concordia University in the fall of 1990. I also started working part time at the HMV on St. Catherine and Peel. I began working in the jazz section and met a guy named Jean. Jean plays keyboards and flute. We both got really into the acid jazz movement which was starting to hit the clubs in Montreal. Dj's were spinning it but no live bands were performing it yet. We decided to start a band to play acid jazz. We called it Pain and Pleasure (I'm not sure why). 

For me, this band was probably the most incredible musical experience I've ever had. All the musicians we ended up playing with were and still are some of the best funk and R&B players in the city. We had Freddy James and his sister Roz Hunt on vocals, Gary McKenzie on bass, Snooky Alston on drums, Craig Hodgson(from Spunky Q) on sax, M.C. X-WAM and Hans on percussion. 

We played together for about a year and performed regularly at clubs on St. Laurent like Publix and Disalvio's. Here's an exerpt from a show we played at Disalvio's. This is a segment they did on us on the CBC. We actually managed to find time to record a demo of a good chunk of our regular repertoire. At a certain point, everyone just got busy doing their own thing, so the band broke up. I didn't have time to be upset though, other things were happening...